MCC - Centre for Next Technological Futures

Lunch debates

11/20/24, 1:41 PM

Dream big. Start small. Move fast: Singapore, the FinTech Nation

In March 2024, students from the MCC Centre for Next Technological Futures (CNTF) travelled to Singapore for a study trip to learn more about the success of FinTech Nation. With almost twenty meetings in five days, they tried to find out the “secret sauce” of how a trading port transformed into the fourth most innovative economy of the world (WIPO) and the seventh top startup ecosystem in the world (Startup Genome) with nearly thirty unicorns.
10/7/24, 12:00 AM

SZABADSÁG – INNOVÁCIÓ – GAZDA(G)SÁG: A siker titkai a digitális korban

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Csérfalvay's book presentation