A landmark event made it worthwhile for innovation researchers to visit the City of Queens from 23 to 24 November 2023. Veszprém hosted the European Conference on Innovation Management, organised jointly by the University of Pannonia and Corvinus University of Budapest. The high quality of the venue was definitely to the credit of the event, as the first day was held at the Laczkó Dezső Museum and the second day at the University of Pannonia. In addition to speakers from the Hungarian academic world, the event also featured foreign names such as Gijs van Wulfen. In his presentation in English, our member Tamás István Stipkovits (dr. jur.) explored the question of “can an (academic) spin-off become a start-up?” In the MCC Tamás has a research on the academic technology transfer. For Tamás, the dialogue on the issues raised in his presentation and listening to the presentations of other speakers was a particularly inspiring experience.